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Thursday, June 16, 2011

the final week

forget about the previous post. i'd rather face macarons than that stupid woman. so anyway macarons in melbourne are something that i'm gonna miss a lot when i go back home. levain's macarons ain't as good as melbourne's. :D

the sugar level is about right. but i believe eating that in a long term will cause diabetic Q___Q! so yea, good thing i'm moving back otherwise... D:

i really wanna be back home already. i think it has been way too long since i left home. okay we don't count the holidays HAHA. i have not celebrated their(mom/dad/bro) birthday for 3 years. okay the sister is lucky that her birthday is always during my holidays back in kl, and my birthday too. huehuehue. getting a PR here is.. no good. i don't wanna celebrate days without family. like, cny, birthdays, or any other significant days. not to mention there are a lot more things to be considered. ah.. i just don't want to think about it anymore. of course malaysia isn't the best place to live, everybody knows how corrupted it is. then again, minus the corruption, our"raja-di-malaysia", horrible illegal immigrants, everything sounds good. like... asam laksa, curry fishballs, hokkien mee, pork noodle, woah.. saliva dripping out already :D

i went out to donate my clothes today. like, 5 huge papers bags of clothes, heels, boots, bags. things that i hardly even use anymore.. most of them are old stuff. they are old, but still usable. no point for me to ship them back, these things are not worth the price to ship back.. so donating them is an option. i think they weigh about 10kgs i swear. i donated to the salvation army. when i reached the front door, there was no help at all. nobody offered help and when i said these are for donation, they said put it at the back. i asked if i could put it at the entrance (p/s: i was practically panting). they answered no. you need to put it at the back. there were about 3-4 staffs and NONE of them helped out.

WAHLAO. people donate things also don't want to give us a hand. you think it is a must to donate to you all is it? if i have a car i would have driven off and find some other charity houses that are worth my time. so unappreciative!!!! i should've just dumped everything down the rubbish chute if i know these people are so unappreciative. i need to walk to the tram top (10-15 minutes) and switch trams too. so bloody time consuming. you think i owe you all is it?

now i'm down with muscle pain - left and right arm, back pain also. grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much for being nice to donate things that are still usable. last but not least, do not ever donate to the salvation army. not unless they are friendly and helpful. at least avoid the one at nicholson street, carlton. terribly upset with their unfriendliness. *shakes head*

ok whatever! will be gone till i'm done with friday's paper. *disappears*


Voneats @ 4:12 AM
6 scribbles
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