Tuesday, September 7, 2010
the lethal weapon!
all of us stood at the observation area only. dare not ride...
i would have puked all my intentines out if i ever take that ride. :S
escape behind me. another extreme ride -_-
crazy isn't it. =x
such a cute bottle
free refill until 5.30pm
so we kept drinking and refilling. $10 for it. :D
choice of coke, diet coke, sprite, and i don't know what else.
flowers. so purple!
what's up?
yup i was looking at this :S
fail jump -_-
scooby dooby doooo.. where are you?
tassie devil
so many toys!
marilyn performing
we went for the stunt show. they changed the show already, different from the one i saw 3 years ago.
car drifting, piu piu piuuuu
so smelly -_-
rempit's favourite stunt
i wtf-ed O_O
another crazy stunt.
the end
scooby dooby doo, LIVE!
catch the ghost
they needed help inside..
finally caught the ghost after god knows when?
unmask him, you know... typical scooby doo cartoon.
ended with a performance! *scooby dooby doo, where are you, we got some work to do now."
with marilyn monroe again O_O
and catwoman? tried to take with wonderwoman but the line was too long.
so we walked to the batman to take picture, but we were stopped by the staff because batman needs to rest. -_- so end up no batman no wonderwoman. wtf!
then we went to the batman ride, a motion ride. something like the motion master at genting. :O
because of that, we missed the most important thing, the PARADE!!!! where all the cartoons gather and come out -_-!!!! the scooby doo van. :S
yup it's this van!! taken 3 years ago. :O
while waiting for the bus, ah bie spotted the signboard. SO CUTE! bugs bunny!
we went to an irish bar for dinner. it's called o'malley's. whatever the name is. it's at cavil ave.
wow who wants son of a peach and puck you?
fruit tingle.
entree fried calamari
main fried calamari - it was alright
chicken schnitzel i think..
fish. not fresh, ew.
t-bone. not fresh too, ew.
can't expect too much because it's not that pricey to begin with. between $10-$18 per person.
*to be continued...*
Labels: australia, food, goldcoast, travel