Wednesday, June 16, 2010
shikin and i went for a dinner date. previously jerine and i were here but no pictures because... i forgot to put the battery back after charging. i'm always like that. either no battery or no card. FML! anyway i didn't screw up this time.
bie says i look like a bimbo with that hairband on. wtf?!
i'm not!
last time i told jerine i'm going to order this one. it's soooo tasty..
i still prefer sushi zanmai's sashimi salad. actually, rakuzen's salad is better. ;p
i don't really remember the name of those dishes. but it's something similar.. to flower!
carl! it's youuuu...
what does this look like to you? eyes or boobs? hahahahahaha!
both of us GREEDY. order so much!
and then we can't finish. HAHAHAHAA.
*waves and ask for takeaway box*
Labels: australia, food, melbourne