Wednesday, June 10, 2009
i was talking to daddy about my fees for the upcoming semester. apparently he read my previous post and we had a little conversation about it..
ckyong says (12:48 AM):ur stubborn streak is not inherited from megurl.violette@melb! says (12:48 AM):hahaahahahahaahhahaackyong says (12:49 AM):just in case u dont know, u have genes of yr own toogurl.violette@melb! says (12:49 AM):dont believe u can ask momckyong says (12:49 AM):ask her wat?me stubborn or ugurl.violette@melb! says (12:50 AM):u of courseckyong says (12:52 AM):hoi..... i am not....u ar... cant convince... cant persuade...
cant scold... cant this... cant thatckyong says (12:53 AM):dont wanna talk to u... gonna sleep... booooboooogurl.violette@melb! said (12:53 AM):hahahahahahahahahahahaa*i still insist that you are stubborn!*Labels: convo