Monday, April 20, 2009
we bought the kinder bueno easter eggs..
one each!
look what's inside!!!
chocolate @.@
trying to put it into a piece
the super excited face
showing off our toys ;).. man, i didn't even buy myself a metronome after 8 years of playing the piano, and now i have a mini metronome...
both of them were so excited over some movies and spent the whole night watching (dunno how many) movies..!
there goes my semester break! going back to melbourne is equivalent to going back to business! which is sooooooo boring, same old routine.. uni->classes->assignments->eat->sleep->OMG..... =_=. the remaining 3 days of my holidays were divided into 3 portions. 1/3 - out with jerine, 2/3 - two assignments.
warning : the paragraph below is rubbish, read at your own risk.
sigh, the never ending assignments are killing me... currently working on programming two <-- 2...="" :="" and="" assignment="" bullshitting..="=" clue..="" crappy="" deadly="" do..="" ends="" enough="" excel="" graph="" group="" half="" hate="" have="" hopefully="" i="" is="" more="" much="" new="" no="" of="" ok="" omg...="" one="" out...="" partner...="" poison.="" s="" scripting="" se="" second="" semester..="" semester="" sigh..="" span="" the="" thingy="" this="" to="" tomorrow="" too="" which="" wsa="">
Labels: australia, tasmania, travel