Tuesday, September 9, 2008
i wanted to buy the java textbook from the university bookstore, therefore, i suggested to have lunch at ss15. sean and kelvin accompanied me to ss15... met up with rachael at rage cafe, subang square.. i think the last time i went there was more than a year ago... with julia! i miss the beef noodle! they used 'lai fun' .. also known as the assam laksa noodle..
my beef noodle! nice leh... rm5.50 per bowl!
yee sean cheng's beef noodle! mihun + yellow noodle....
yee mee if i'm not mistaken =P
the hungry ghost didn't order anything.. duno how he can stand till 4pm =.=.. anyways we left after lunch. i did not buy the textbook. according to sean it is only useful if i am taking programming 3.... it is only compulsory for CS students, not IT. which means i can choose not to take it! =)
looks like poh sze and i don't have fate.. always fail to meet up. busy girl!! we should meet up rather than showering love online... don't u think so, darling?
guess what i bought.. reminds me of you.. you used to buy a whole packet and eat in class/lab.. anyway you can buy other snacks now.. like snake! no need chokis anymore =P
the chokis are mine.. muahahahaha!!Labels: food